African Blends Coffee

Sebagala Road, Kisasai Kampala Uganda 

African Blends Coffee

African Blends 250g


Uganda coffees

African Blends coffee is  a representation  of premium Ugandan coffees sourced from different parts of the country thereby giving distinct  unique tastes .  Overtime African blends coffee has teamed up with  coffee farmers in  several coffee areas  of Uganda to mention slopes of mountain Elgon in the districts  of  Mbale , Kapchorwa and Slopes on Mount Rwenzori in the district of Kasese , Kigezi and West nile  Our coffees production   entail involvement a community of  local farmers dedicated to highest  farming practices that are capable of bringing forth consistent  coffee yields over time, dubbed Uganda’s finest coffees.  

With our base in Kampala, African Blends coffee  doesn’t  not only stop at  ensuring the farmers produce  good yield, but also our team  of  coffee professional and experts from Uganda and the world over  consisting of  baristas ,  Q-graders,a  trainers and roasters  make sure that the finished product is top notch therefore creating unique blends.    Our pride  and hope  is derived from  bringing  out the best of Uganda coffee,  while enriching  coffee drinking experience  for  coffee lovers everywhere.

view some of African Blends coffee shots

Cool photo moments

Uganda coffee has always scored  on the world market and has kept rising  as time passes by, the  increase on  the scores  is being attributed to Anumber of factors  with the prime reason being the deliberate governmnent policy to improve yields  through training of coffee farmers. 

Request A sample of our coffee

if you are interested in  knowing more  about coffee  as well as more insight on African Blends, donot hesitate to write us an  email or simply  give us  call  so we  can discuss futher



African Blends coffee  offers quality but yet affordable coffee on market, note our coffee quality is not altered regardless of the prevailing price


African Blends coffee strrives to offer  consistent  quality of coffee thanks to a team of experienced  graders,  quality assurance personals 

Reliable & Flexible

African Blends coffee team will get your coffee delivered in time with  upon your prior placed order regardless of the  your location.

Team Members


Kalema Alex


Alex is a huge coffee enthusiast  with impeceable skills in Q-grading, basrista skills, coffee machine engineering  and currently consulting  with new England coffee company in usa.

Ekaju Eric

Managing Director

Erics passion for coffee  drove from being an IT Personel to a acoffee  entrepreneurs,  he ahs skill in speciality coffee , thirds wave brewing and coffee quality controll , he holds the comapies interests at heart and trives  execute

Gerard Eseru

sALES and Distribution

Gerard is versitle, he loves  hanging out at the clients end, find out how best he can be of  great help to them, his distribution abilities   stretch beyonf the ordinary.